East Asian Languages and CulturesTRIP China 2001 and TRIP Japan 2002
CC students being approached by interested local Chinese people on the Bund, the riverside park in Shanghai |
Conducted for a period of 2-3 weeks upon the completion of two semesters of intensive Chinese and Japanese, the first East Asian TRIPs transported students from Connecticut College to China and Japan for linguistic and cultural fieldwork under faculty guidance and supervision.
Engaging in a wide variety of activities and events — visiting cultural sites, exploring historic landscapes, assuming unfamiliar social roles, and performing language tasks — students had the opportunity to observe, reflect, and experience hands-on. They could compare the reality encountered in their itineraries with what had been examined in the classroom.
In the end, they not only witnessed in themselves improved communicative functionality and the development of broadened perspectives to inform their ongoing studies of China and Japan, but also have strengthened and reconfirmed their commitment to the pursuit of an undergraduate degree in East Asian languages and cultures .
One of the many sites in Japan visited by CC students: Tsurugaoka Shrine |
Share the joy of seeing earnest young minds face the challenges of exploring foreign lands, to be nurtured by them, and to attain inquisitive and analytical subtleties at a level never before found.